
ICHP Induction par spirale hypnotique

Type de scénario : Induction ; Langue : Français; Durée : 00 minutes 00 secondes

Instructions pour des inductions réussies
Le téléviseur doit être monté de manière à être parallèle au visage du client, qu’il soit assis sur une chaise ou allongé sur le canapé.
La distance optimale entre le client et le téléviseur doit être comprise entre 1,20 et 3,70 mètres, 2,40 mètres étant l’idéal.
Après l’entretien préliminaire, lorsque le client est confortablement assis sur la chaise de consultation ou sur le canapé, la spirale doit être allumée dès que possible et le client doit garder les yeux fixés sur le centre même de la spirale. Pendant que le client s’installe pendant ce temps, le thérapeute peut trier les scripts, les cassettes, déconnecter le téléphone, etc.
Voici un script d’induction suggéré, qui peut bien sûr être modifié en conséquence pour répondre à vos besoins particuliers :
(Assurez-vous que les bras et les jambes du client ne sont pas croisés car cela pourrait provoquer une gêne par une circulation restreinte plus tard.)

« Détendez-vous maintenant et installez-vous confortablement. Gardez vos yeux fixés sur le centre même de la spirale et remarquez les changements qui se produisent pour vous. Maintenant, ( Pause ) pendant que vous regardez la spirale, laissez vos bras et vos jambes devenir lourds, lâches, mous et détendus ( Pause ), en gardant vos yeux fixés sur le centre même de la spirale ( Pause ), vous pouvez commencer à remarquer des changements dans votre conscience ( Pause ), remarquez votre respiration ( Pause ). Inspirez calmement et expirez toute tension, inspirez calmement et expirez sans tension ( Pause ).

Certaines personnes remarquent que les veines de la spirale se rapprochent d’un côté du disque et s’élargissent de l’autre ( Pause ). Certaines personnes remarquent que différents motifs changent autour du centre du disque ( Pause ).
Après un certain temps, certaines personnes remarquent qu’une brume se développe autour du disque. ( Pause )
En regardant le disque, remarquez les changements qui se produisent pour vous – maintenant – et permettez-vous de vous détendre, les bras et les jambes devenant de plus en plus lourds.
L’hypnose est une chose étrange – et il n’est pas toujours facile de sentir quand elle commence à se produire – mais la sensation commence normalement dans les paupières.
L’hypnose se produit par vagues très douces, presque imperceptibles au début, et vous devez vous concentrer sur vos paupières et remarquer tout changement que vous pouvez ressentir. Remarquez comment vos yeux commencent à se sentir fatigués, c’est comme une traction très, très douce vers le bas sur vos paupières comme si elles voulaient cligner.
C’est comme si vos paupières voulaient se fermer et ( Pause ) essayer de les garder ouvertes devient un effort.
Cette sensation, quand elle survient, est une vague de fatigue presque imperceptible et vous voulez attendre de la ressentir à nouveau avant de fermer les yeux et de laisser l’hypnose commencer.
Vous remarquerez à quel point c’est agréable de fermer les yeux, puis l’hypnose peut commencer.
Détendez-vous maintenant et laissez ces sensations se produire pour vous – maintenant – les bras et les jambes deviennent plus lourds, les paupières veulent se fermer – sentez cette traction sur vos paupières maintenant et laissez vos yeux lourds se fermer, afin que l’hypnose puisse commencer.
Pause ) C’est bien, laissez simplement vos yeux se fermer doucement ( Pause ), fermez les yeux maintenant et détendez-vous. “,

Parfois, certains clients deviennent tellement fascinés par la spirale qu’ils ne peuvent pas fermer les yeux même s’ils sont entrés en transe. Vous remarquerez que ces clients sont fixés et regardent fixement et vous devez leur dire fermement de

« fermer les yeux maintenant ».

Ajoutez des inductions d’approfondissement suivies de suggestions , etc.



Institut d’hypnothérapie clinique et de psychothérapie


Emission calculator for greenhouse gases and exhaust emissions


Solar powered Classroom

Helped provided in the Project through the Community involvement:



Experience Marks

Bronze Award for the Visitor Guide.

Project initiated in collaboration with the Regional management team.

The aim was to ease the visitors commuting and new hired integrations to the Building based in Dublin.


The impact was regional as other site decided to align they presentations.

Experience Marks

Waste Prevention Award at the 2011 Envirocom Awards

Related Article

Congratulations to the Green Team!
Congratulations to the Cherrywood Green Team who won the Waste Prevention Award at the 2011 Envirocom Awards.


The win was based on Dell’s  ambitious global goals to reduce waste while supporting good environmental stewardship. The resulting win was a real team effort and included strong collaboration between Cherrywood and Limerick. Led by Jean Cox-Kearns, Dermot O’Connell and the Cherrywood Green Team and Jim Quirk & Tom Moriarty in Limerick,.. it was a super win.


Representing Dell and taking part in the celebrations were; […] Alexandre Mitellus, […]. Well Done Team!

Experience Marks

The Car-sharing Scheme at Dell

Project Initiated and sustained From 2008 until 2014.

This article was the consequence of our extension in 2010.


From the Article:


The Dell Green Team has been in operation since 2008 and is made up a number of Dell employees from different parts of the business. The team holds weekly meetings where they work through new plans and evaluate existing initiatives. The team has received strong support from senior management, a factor which has helped the effectiveness of the initiatives.

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The Car-sharing Scheme has been one of the most successful and long running of the Dell Green Team initiatives. Initially, Dell gave employees the opportunity to play their part by organising a DELL GO GREEN competition. Dell asked for the best ideas that could be implemented giving consideration to how Dell could reduce its impact on the environment. The Judging panel selected the idea of a car-sharing scheme for employees as the most deserving idea based on impact the initiative would have on the local environment.

With the concept in place, Dell then partnered with the National Transport Authority who customised a car pooling website solely for Dell. The website was officially launched and has gone from strength to strength.

The Dell team is already working on new initiatives and is beginning to pilot a new Taxi-sharing scheme designed to reduce the amount of taxis used by employees. They have also started working on a unique document called ‘The Visitors Guide to Dell’ outlining local transport routes and registered hotels.

Dermot O’Connell, General Manager, Dell Ireland with Dell’s Green Team to launch the Car Pooling Scheme

Experience Marks

Dell Drives the Green Message



Dell Drives the Green Message

DateThursday, November 13, 2008


Today marked the official launch of the Dell Car Pooling website in Cherrywood.  The website was the idea of Dell employee, Alexandre Mitellus, who entered an internal competition organised by the employee led ‘Green Team’.

The website was deemed such a good idea the ‘Green Team’ went about implementing and designing the website in partnership with the Dublin Transportation Office. The Car Pooling Website was customised solely for Dell, it has been tried and tested and incentives for employees are in place to encourage them to use it. A monthly raffle for a car valet is up for the taking and the option to secure preferred car parking spaces.

Dell has committed to becoming the world’s greenest technology company and making company operations carbon neutral by the end of 2008. Dell are already ahead of schedule and this not only reflects in the measures undertaken by the company globally to ‘green’ its own operations, it also includes a commitment to helping customers achieve their environmental goals through the provision of environmentally sound solutions and products for all customers from the largest corporates to individual consumers.

Aongus Hegarty, vice president and general manager, Dell Small and Medium Business in EMEA, said: “Our customers, stakeholders and our employees are inspiring us to lead a new era of environmental responsibility. We are at an historic point in time when the combined efforts of companies, customers, employees and suppliers will make the critical changes to protect our shared Earth.  I am delighted to see our employees driving green initiatives at our site in Cherrywood and I would like to congratulate all employees involved with this initiative. I would encourage all employees where possible to avail of the website and consider it as an option for getting to and from work.”

John Henry, CEO of the Dublin Transportation Office who attended the launch today said: “We were delighted to be involved with Dell in the development of  their car-sharing website.  Rising petrol prices and increased awareness of the impact car use has on the environment are undoubtedly changing car drivers’ attitudes to the alternative ways of getting around Dublin, including car-sharing. If everyone left their car behind for at least one trip each week, that would be 200,000 fewer car trips every day in the Greater Dublin Area, less traffic and less pollution. Small individual changes can make a big difference.  I believe this is a great opportunity for Dell employees to make our city ‘greener’.”






United we Drive – Divided we stall!

by t2eLive

ireland_thumbThe Dell Ireland team launched a car pooling website last week. The website was the idea of Dell employee, Alexandre Mitellus who entered an internal competition organised by our local ‘Green Team’. The suggestion was deemed such a good idea that we designed and implemented a programme for Dell employees in partnership with the Dublin Transportation Office.

A monthly raffle prize has been put in place as well as other benefits to encourage employees to use the scheme and we already have over 100 employees using the site.  I have been pleased with the feedback from Dell employees and the local media, for example here is a post from

Dell has committed to becoming the world’s greenest technology company. Earlier this year we announced that our global operations are carbon neutral. We did this through efficiency projects, and purchasing green power and then responsibly offsetting any remaining emissions. Only with our employees behind initiatives like this can we continue to drive efficiencies in our own operations. There is so much more we can all do – and with the rise in petrol prices that many countries are experiencing, this is a win-win scenario for our pockets and the environment.

Pictured: Driven to act – Alexandre Mitellus, Denis Lucey, Sarda Gukhool, Michael Halpenny and John Henry.